Fiery Prayers

"Prayer, without fervor, stakes nothing on the issue, because it has nothing to stake.  It comes with empty hands.  Hands, too, which are listless, as well as empty, which have never learned the lesson of clinging to the cross...Prayers must be red hot.  It is the fervent prayer that is effectual and that availeth.  Coldness of spirit hinders praying; prayer cannot live in a wintry atmosphere.  Chilly surroundings freeze out petitioning; and dry up the springs of supplication.  It takes fire to make prayers go...Yet fire is not fuss, nor heat, noise.  Heat is intensity--something that glows and burns.  Heaven is a mighty poor market for ice." --E.M. Bounds

What is the atmosphere of your heart?  We're careless when it comes to being watchful of what season we've allowed our hearts to enter.  For the one who follows Jesus, shouldn't our hearts and the way we pray, always be in the season of summer?  Winter is dreary, cold, and dead.  Let that never be a condition of our lives! 

We have a new spirit, let us approach God with a passion and confidence that nothing is impossible for Him!  Nothing.  Leave your doubts in winter and let your prayers begin to take fire!